Handguns & 'Muscle Memory'

by FOG, Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 07:35 (4114 days ago)

Self-defense issues aside, I think there's something to the idea of 'muscle memory' as it regards the handling of handguns.

At this point in my life, mine seems particularly strong when it comes to three basic types: old-style single-actions, more or less standard Goverment Models, and Smith & Wesson double-action revolvers.

Especially Smith & Wesson double-action revolvers.

For example, the Ruger LCR came up recently, so I decided to refresh my memory on that model and visited the LGS for another look at one. As soon as I heard the news when they first came out, I checked out a .38 and thought it was pretty slick in the action department. This time, it was a .357 (NIB), and I was pretty underwhelmed. More importantly, I found my built-in S&W MMâ„¢ working hard against me, particularly regarding the trigger reset.

I also experienced the same issue with a Charter Arms Bulldog a while back: When cycling the gun DA (even slowly), it was very easy for me to 'tie the gun up'.

To make a Ruger or Charter work right, I have to think about my trigger release and, compared to a Smith & Wesson, really let it fly.

I am so more used to a 'controlled' trigger release and found this so distracting that I think it'll probably be all S&Ws from now on.

Oh well, it could be worse... :-D


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