Spiders Hide In Your Bedding & Your Clothing....

by ~JM~, Monday, June 24, 2013, 10:34 (4115 days ago) @ D. Sikes

...Whether the Clothes be hanging in a closet or folded in a drawer. The spiders like dark corners & soft material. Grab a shirt & put it on... next thing you know... you've been bit! I always shake my Clothes vigorously before putting them on & ALWAYS check the inside of your Shoes or Boots. I usually give them a good smack or two. Grab them by the Toes & sort of like clapping the Soles together while the opening is pointed down. I grew up in Arizona & have found a Centipede in my bed along with other types of ugly little critters over the years. Even with a spotless clean home & the "Bug Guy" spraying the house once a month they still get in once in a while.

The Brown Recluse used to be an east side spider from what I've been told. With people moving to the west side & the spider liking to live in cardboard boxes, it eventually established itself pretty much nation wide. I had a dog that was bitten by what was believed to be a Brown Recluse. Almost had to amputate his leg. The leg was eventually saved, but the poor dog really went through a lot of dead tissue removal & pain. Damned nasty spiders those Brown Recluse! Squash 'em dead every time you see one. Same with the Black Widows... Just squash 'em.

Be careful

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