Different reactions to venom...

by Paul ⌂, Sunday, June 23, 2013, 13:27 (4115 days ago) @ Otony

Years ago I spent a night over a waterhole waiting for game - ended up being devoured by the only local fauna to show up, the "asa dura" - a hard winged, blood sucking little insect native to the sertão. The next morning the backs of my hands and my face (the only parts of my anatomy not protected by clothing) were red and swollen, bites covered the bites on top of the bites bitten into the bites below. A huge amount of stuff was injected into my system, resulting in a zero reaction to mosquito bites and many other blood sucking critters as well. Never been spider bit, but suspect an arachnid's injection would produce a very different type of reaction to that of the mini-vampires.

What on earth do you do to get bit by spiders? We live "in the tropics" and so far have managed to avoid such things.

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