The "Land of Enchantment"...

by Charles, Friday, June 07, 2013, 10:56 (4132 days ago) @ pokynojoe

There are two ranges of mountain in and around ABQ, the Manzanas (Apples) and Sandia (Watermelon). There is a section of ABQ called Old Town that has some interesting shops and history. Other than that, ACQ is just another big town.

However as long as you are that close, buzz over to Santa Fe as that is where it is at. They have a fast rail line between ABQ and Santa Fe call "The Roadrunner" that will make short work of the trip if you don't want to drive. Once in Santa Fe, most of the cool stuff is within a block or two of the Plaza downtown. I believe there are buses from (and back) the rail station to the Plaza, but check to make certain. Downtown Santa Fe is not very car friendly, so lots of public transportation and such, even some bicycle rickshaws.

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