The "Land of Enchantment"...

by pokynojoe, Friday, June 07, 2013, 07:07 (4132 days ago)

Well, I met the daughter for dinner last evening; she said she had something she wanted to talk over with me. Turns out, she got her a place in Albuquerque and wants me to help her move her stuff. So.. . I guess come next Monday the 17th I’m headed to New Mexico. This will be my first trip west of the Mississippi in many years, almost since my “walk-about” days. Heck, this will be my first trip out of the county in quite some time. I haven’t been back to the southwest since about 1975 or so, I’m interested in seeing what’s changed.

The details are still a little sketchy, but apparently I’m to drive out with her, she’ll be towing a small trailer, and she got me an airplane ticket to fly home the following Sunday. I figure if everything goes well (that’s a big IF; she’s got an old car) I’ll have a couple of days to have a look around.

Here’s my question: What are the must see places around town? Museums, historical attractions, saloons? I’m not a big fan of driving, I’d prefer if they had buses, or walking. Also, since my prostate now resembles an acorn that’s been burnt to a cinder, bathroom facilities are critical. I don’t like wearing Depends when it’s hot out. She says her place is on the eastern edge of the city, north of interstate 40 about a mile, and backs up to some mountain range, whose name I know not. If that helps.

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