Those Girauds are NICE! A couple of times I tried to buy

by John K., Tuesday, May 28, 2013, 16:25 (4142 days ago) @ Fivegunner

one he couldn't give me a delivery estimate, so I put it off.

You are right, the Dillon trimmer is not designed to hog off that much material - it gets hot and burns up. Matter of fact, due to heat, it is a bit marginal even for regular trimming. A friend of mine owns a small ammo manufacturing concern and went through a dozen of them in short order. He ended up installing two of the trimmers and taking a half-bite with each one. Then we piped clean instrument air into both motors to keep the temp down. That worked pretty good, but he has since gone to a custom rig using a different (larger HP) motor and hasn't experienced any further problems.

I have air & vacuum on mine and I try to keep the cycle speed reasonable. For now.

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