Deer and pigs.

by cas, Monday, May 27, 2013, 10:41 (4143 days ago) @ mcassill

While I've had plenty of them, I never did connect with one. Only had one shot on game with it, hit a nice little tree branch about half way to the deer which sent the bullet off into who knows where.

My brother in law took a couple deer and a russian boar with his (the only 300 barrel I own now, his 10" SSK barrel).

I believe the first deer was with a Sierra 130gr SSPB (single shot pistol bullet) though it worked and the deer went right down, we weren't thrilled with the expansion at such close range, about 30 feet. The other note on this deer was once it was down and kicking he hit it in the middle of the sternum (so basically shot from "underneath" anatomically) with a 220 grain Sierra Match King. The bullet went in caliber size, turned and made 2" wide wound through the heart as it tumbled.

Second deer was shot with a 125 ge Noslar ballistic tip. Bullet wasn't recovered but it drop at the shot about 35-40 yards away.

The boar was 200-250lb? 50-60 yards away with 150gr Noslar ballistic tip. When hit it rolled right over and was done.

(I then shot one with my 500 Linebaugh. 465 gr SWC @ 1350, right through the boiler room and it ran away like I'd missed. I guess he hadn't read all the magazines. ;) )

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