How do you "reform" something by making it worse?

by altejaeger, Central Texas, Tuesday, May 21, 2013, 19:24 (4148 days ago) @ Charles

It is a sad and pitiful situation and has been that way for eons. Every President
Mexico has ever had has never looked out for the peon, just the rich. The present
one may want to do something but looks as tho he will fall in line with the Cartels
and their power house while his people at ususal suffer. If he or anyone in Mexico is depending on Ovomit all is lost. He has no creditability anywhere, the USA or
elsewhere in the world. He even makes J. Carter look good but his brother Billy was even a better man. Interestingly, I don't see the worthless UN trying to help. They
should be booted out of the USA as soon as possible. A bloated entity who talks and neither says anything much less actually do anything.
Corruption is a way of life in Mexico and those in authority turn a blind eye to it.
I cannot blame them for wanting to escape to a better life. The gang of eight cannot get a valid Immigration bill going without every one attaching an amendment. i.e,
Blumenthal, Conn, DEM, wanted to attach an anti-gun bill to appease all the anti-
gunners and impress the Newtown residents, and Leahy, Vermont, DEM, proposed adding
an ok for same sex marriage. I have no problem with killing the bill if that is what they proposed. You ought to hear all the nail biting,whining and crying from the likes of Schumer,Franken & Leahy because the Repub's disgreed. Reckon there is no such thing like a clean bill with no attachments.

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