How do you "reform" something by making it worse?

by Charles, Tuesday, May 21, 2013, 13:12 (4149 days ago) @ cas

I have no idea what to do, but the Cartels control the Border now. Drugs and human smuggling is flowing through my part of the world in record numbers. The twist and turn of the river, plus the vast network of roads on this side make it impossible to stop. They try and catch people and drugs at the choke points where they have checkpoints and get many that way, but the vast majority of people and drugs make their way north.

So many LEOs, local, state and Federal have been bought by the cartels. One entire "joint drug taskforce" made up of several departments is now under Federal indictment for drug smuggling. The started off guarding drug conveys north and ended up ripping off the drugs and selling the dope themselves.

A couple of days ago, a cop in a close by city was patrolling a part of the town that had lots of break ins. He stumbled onto a truck being loaded with pot. They loaders and scouts ran for it and the cops found 5 tons of pots. 5 tons! Bulk wise that is a huge amount of dope. It all came across the river on the back of these deported aliens forced into being mules by the cartels. What a mess.

These damn cartels are in charge of my part of the world, yet most folks don't seem to understand the problem they present. It looks like the new Mexican president has decided to stop their pitiful attempt at a crack down and turn a blind eye to these esso bees. A huge swath of this country is controlled by these "transnational" criminal organizations and our government seems to be powerless. La Costa Nostra seem like petty street criminals compared to the reach and power of these people. They are a far bigger threat to this country than the rag head ever hope to be. They just have not taken to killing us just for fun or political purposes, but they grow bolder and more powerful with each passing week.

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