Don't forget, every time someone makes a typo -

by Paul ⌂, Tuesday, May 21, 2013, 11:16 (4149 days ago) @ John K.

I believe that we could sum this up as...



If you can't beat 'em, beat 'em! Since they're expectin' you to join 'em, you can take 'em off guard!

Proper punctuation remains my greatest challenge/weakness. Does it make a difference? Yes, it does. When the principal chided a teacher for not teaching proper punctuation, the teacher replied with a Hillary Clintonesque "What difference does it make?" The principal simply stepped to the board and wrote:

The teacher says the principal is stupid

Point well made. (for those not sure what the point is, consider the following examples of punctuating the sentence above).

"The teacher", said the principal, "is stupid."

The teacher said, "The principal is stupid."

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