Cute poem...

by Paul ⌂, Tuesday, May 21, 2013, 09:03 (4149 days ago) @ Kentucky

someone put a lot of thought into it! :) AND it goes to show that a spelling checker is only as good as the knowledge of the person who uses it.

I don't recall who said it, but it's true nonetheless, "The man who won't read has no advantage over the man who can't." Reading and thinking are important, yet our culture no longer values such activities. There's a shocking lack of interest in the correct use of the language, and the current trend is downwards. Modern technology has given rise to a generation which can text rapidly yet is incapable of transmitting deep, coherent thoughts since everything is reduced to the lowest common denominator - whatever can be abbreviated (why is that word so long?) into simple acronyms.

I do my best to NOT be a "grammar nazi" but language is meant to convey thought and to do so it must be properly used. This includes spelling (my high school "Language Arts" teacher signed my yearbook "I like the way you write, now if you could SPELL!" as well as proper differentiating between homophones. "Bear arms" is not the same as "Bare arms" nor even "bear arms" (as in the designation some give to a bear's forelimbs). Their, there and they're are as misused as your and you're and the list goes on. This, in my not so humble opinion, is a direct result of people placing more value on nonessentials rather than on solid basic education.


And to think, all this cyber ink spilled over the misspelling of 'gerbil'.


I really SHOULD get back to doing something productive today. :-D

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