Big Mo -- as the religion and tradition portray him wasn't .

by John Meeker @, West End of Lake Erie, Thursday, May 16, 2013, 10:36 (4154 days ago) @ Charles

a nice guy, at all. Salman Rushdie did a short novella of him, that illuminates that desert raider/city merchant era, as fiction may do. Another study of Ye Prophet by an Englishman is more of deconstructed literary and historical search of who the man was, and quickly his message and ideas became overlaid and burdened with other peoples ambition, family, and tribal politics: POWER. In his opinion, the Prophet's original message has been nearly buried and corrupted beyond recognition.

As well, the Spanish Jews, Muslims,and Christians in the lower half of the country apparently enjoyed an intellectual mutual Renaissance of learning around 900AD [date is speculative due to my porous memory] They were co-operating on translations of ancient documents of learning that were still available at that time, and benefiting the arts of medicine and science, as well as philosophy. Then deep desert fanatic tribes crossed the Mediterranean and sweet North, religiously purging and destroyed all 'impious & infidel' learning.

As with all history, it is interesting to speculate upon the possible turns and futures that may happened, had other paths been followed by the Followers. Perhaps the world did not have to be saddled with a minority bunch of violently apocalyptic murderous, torturing crazoids. The Muslim families I knew while growing up, and even into adulthood, were well assimilated, and apparently quite unconcerned about the Old World Medieval Politically Correctness that now seems to rule that community. The were , so far I was aware, Americans and hard-working first..and Muslims secondarily. And probably damn well happy to be shed of the Old World mullah-nut cases, and primitive mountain barbarians that now are claiming Rulership.

My wife and I first ran into this Intolerance, at a symposium down at Ohio State University, to hear the 'papers' being presented by new grad students. The details aren't necessary to relate. However, the 'religion of peace' took a dump into the ground floor of an outhouse, so far as we were concerned.

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