Sad, very sad...

by Charles, Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 11:27 (4155 days ago) @ Hobie

I don't know what they think that accomplished. They worked up a sweat just to show disrespect? Such an act only reflects poorly in themselves, their culture and their religion. But, I don't guess they care much about that.

In January of 1973, I spent a week of study at the Henry Martyn Institute of Islamic Studies in Hydrabad India, trying to get a good grasp on the religion of islam. I found nothing in that time, that made me admire or respect that belief system. That has been 40 years and I still feel the same way. At the time, I thought is was just an academic exercise and would not be a present danger to myself, my country and those I love. I was wrong about that!

The long and short of it, the followers of any religion can't rise any higher than their founding guy. Do a quick study of Mohammed and Jesus and you will see why they are like they are and why Christians are like they are. This video shows Mohammed's religious DNA centuries after his death.

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