The 'New' Redfield, etc...

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Monday, May 13, 2013, 04:03 (4157 days ago) @ Sarge

I had a Leupold Rifleman that I swapped onto a couple different .308's. later on I got a Refurbiished Nikon from Natchez Shooters Supply and sold the rifleman. The optics seemed better to me, I liked the BDC reticle and the adjustments just seemed crisper. I now have two, one on my .308 boltgun and the other on an accurate AR. Something interesting on the BDC is that you can go to nikons website and punch in what load you are shooting, either factory or handload and it will tell you what range the circles should be on. I did this for my AR as its used as a coyote gun. Then when I setup in a spot, I'd hit the laser rangefinder and know at certain areas what my holdover was. 'Course with a fast stepping .223 on a coyote you can just nout hold dead on as far as you can see around here!

From what I understand the Rifleman is basically a VX-1. I believe that Bob is correct and the new Redfields are Leupold products.

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