The 'New' Redfield, etc...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Sunday, May 12, 2013, 11:36 (4158 days ago)
edited by Sarge, Monday, May 13, 2013, 09:25

The 4x12 Bushnell that came on my 78 is an OK scope. Click adjustments are precise, do exactly what the dial says and it holds zero. Optics are just OK if you have time to fiddle with the adjustable objective; 'fast' it ain't. Low light clarity and eye relief at 12X are disappointing; the scope is cumbersome and heavy. It has one attribute- it is powerful enough and clear enough to check the 300 yard accuracy of any rifle. So it stays.

I have been spoiled by a couple of cheap old 4X scopes we've had around here forever; one Tasco and one Bushnell. Both are sufficiently clear for 400 yard game shots, both are dependable and both are fast. So I want something with those qualities and I won't run from a variable. Money, unfortunately, IS an object. I'm looking at the 'new' Redfields, Nikons and perhaps the Leupold Rifleman. I've 400 yards to shoot a coyote or deer across, right out the back door, so I'm looking at the Ballistic Plex/Mil Dot reticles.

Experiences, Ideas, or Suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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