So, I went to a 'party', and I was the only one not armed

by RidinLou, Middle TN, Sunday, May 12, 2013, 10:15 (4158 days ago) @ FOG

Funny but just last Friday 4 of us got together that had worked a special project some years ago.
Well retirements are starting to interfere with contact info so we all started to collect contact information.
They all started keying numbers into their whizzy bangy latest technology cell phones and I reached for a pencil . . .

Pencil, not pen at that.
They gave me til next year to come up to the pen level of technology.

My antiquated cell is in the console of the truck in case I ever need it.

It does sadden me to see a couple out at dinner and both hare constantly tending to their cell phone(s) with little personal interaction.

Guess I have earned my title as curmudgeon by virtue of surviving this long.

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