So, I went to a 'party', and I was the only one not armed

by FOG, Saturday, May 11, 2013, 23:45 (4158 days ago)

With a freaking cell phone.

It all started innocently enough...I was drinking Gatorade, just visiting with a friend, sitting out on his patio in the cool evening breeze.

Pretty soon, his wife and kids returned home from the movies.

Then, a cross-section of neighborhood rugrats showed up, plus one or two long-lost relatives, and suddenly a symphony of ring tones started sporadically going off, each playing it own distinctly syncopated sound.

If you think that's funny, you should have seen the looks on their faces when I said I didn't even have one.

A cell phone, I mean... :eyepopping:

You'da thought I'd done broke wind. :-D


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