To tell the truth, the Summer Special has its limitations

by FOG, Sunday, May 12, 2013, 04:56 (4158 days ago) @ rob

All holsters do, first and foremost being, 'To each his own.'

In my case, I can't really hide a 1911 or Commander in a Summer Special, at least not to my satisfaction.

Not, anyway, for anything more than 'casual' carry (for example, on the 'range').

If I have to bend over or stretch to reach something, the gun is likely to print or show. That simply is 'no good' in real life, out in public.

Actually, I feel this is an inherent 'problem' with FBI-style carry. It really only works for me with short-gripped guns, and even then there are better options (for example, a J-frame IWB in the appendix position).

I understand others have carried 1911s and many other large guns in Summer Specials for something like 40 years with no problems. I just can't do it, at least not discreetly enough to satisfy me, so I don't.


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