And on the 'summer' note...

by rob @, Friday, May 10, 2013, 07:52 (4160 days ago) @ FOG

I've packed a 1911 more and longer than any other gun and living in TX and working outside/in a shop, the one thing I've learned about doing so is you're gonna sweat, it's gonna get under the left grip panel and inside and under the plunger tube and safety lever and no matter how much Ballistol I went through or tried to keep up with it I was always flushing rust out of those areas. Same with under the grips on stainless revolvers. For me, I will never carry in the summer again without the leather protecting the gun from sweat. That little bit of thin leather does not add any bulk to the holster and protects both gun and user. The only drawback might be it doesn't "look" as sleek and when reholstering you may have to push it back with the thumb while reholstering but you can still reholster with one hand. Anyhow, I'll go back in my cave now:)

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