So, I tried it on the shiny black plastic TV base part

by FOG, Wednesday, May 08, 2013, 08:04 (4162 days ago) @ rob

I use a Sony TV as a monitor, and when I got it about two years ago, I scratched the hard plastic base almost as soon as I got it out of the package.

This bugged me, and if I remember right, I tried to 'fix' it with Flitz. That just made it worse.

By 'worse', I mean the Flitz left a pattern of visible scratches, so now there were a bunch of scratches instead of just one.

I hadn't used Simichrome for a while, so I ordered a tube and tried that with pretty much the same result.

Today, I cleaned the base with window cleaner and a soft cloth and took a picture of it, then hit it with some ScratchX.

My Canon PowerShot SD800IS was able to capture an image of the Flitz- and Simichrome-scratched base, but after polishing it with ScratchX, the camera was not able to focus on what's left.

I wouldn't say the surface is 'perfectly smooth' now, but it is much improved, and I only went over it once with the ScratchX.

On a related note, I don't think Flitz calls their product 'safe' for bluing anymore, and the last tube I had was abrasive enough that you could feel it on hard surfaces.

Simichrome seems to have taken a similar path, albeit a slightly less aggressive one. I still find it useful for cleaning things like glass candle holders, but I no longer use Flitz.

HTH :-)


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