FYI: Tip for polishing plastic

by FOG, Monday, May 06, 2013, 08:04 (4164 days ago)
edited by FOG, Monday, May 06, 2013, 10:12

(SPG Edit)

If you're wondering why bother, that's a good question.

My other hobby is eyeglasses, and after a 5-year hiatus, I got a new prescription in Spring 2012 and started shopping. I like old-school eyewear with fixed hinges, and when I first needed glasses about ten years ago, I found the market virtually impenetrable. The was very little information available and, consequently, there were very few choices.

For this reason, I thought it might be a problem again, so I actually started looking at glasses about a year in advance, in 2011. As you might guess, though, things have changed dramtically. Tons of information and perhaps too many choices. (LOL)

I wound up with a total af seven new pairs of glasses, two of them darkly tinted, the rest untinted. More to the point, one of them is a metal combination frame, and the other six are acetate (aka, "plastic").

My favorite among the acetate frames was discontinued by the manufacturer at the end of 2012, and I wanted another for next time around, so I kept my eye out and recently found two of them on eBay. I bought one, and the transaction went smoothly, but the frame slipped out of its case, rattled around a bit during transit, and picked up a little 'box wear' (fine scratches). The second frame is from the same seller, so I could exchange it, but it's also a different color I don't like. I could send it back, of course, but I'd rather 'fix' the frame, especially since it's discontinued.

Enter Meguiar's ScratchX Fine Scratch & Swirl Remover.

Ordinarily used on automobiles, this stuff will polish plastic so it looks like a mirror.

HTH :-)

PS: I have an older tube of ScratchX, but I suppose "2.0" is even 'better'.


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