Check out the "contractor" thing.

by Kentucky, Tuesday, May 07, 2013, 14:22 (4163 days ago) @ AaronB

I "retired" when I turned 55. I had discussed it with my boss and the HR department beforehand, and they agreed with my plan wholeheartedly. I contacted a local "contractor house" and they hired me immediately . . . and immediately placed me with the place I had just "retired" from. Essentially I took a week off and then returned to my old desk (which I hadn't even cleaned out), turned my computer back on, and resumed working on the project I was handling before my "retirement".

Everybody was happy. I made much better money, got paid for every hour I worked, and had a totally better attitude "working for myself" . . . and I didn't have to go to all the meetings.

:-D ;-) :-D

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