
by AaronB, Tuesday, May 07, 2013, 06:44 (4163 days ago) @ stonewalrus

I used to work for a company like that... they had a habit of hiring guys right out of college, working them like dogs for three or four years, at which time they would resign and go find better pay (which generally wasn't difficult).

One of their process engineers was a man who in a 30-year career at this ONE site (he was a hold-over from a previous company buy-out) had already forgotten more than I will ever know about steam-sterilization of IV solutions. They wouldn't promote this guy... basically they were encouraging him to disappear. So he took his retirement and left.

Six months later I see him in the hallway with a contractor's badge on. He is now a consultant, hired at three times his former rate of pay to come back in and run the same projects he would have been given if he had received his promotion. Seems nobody else at the plant had the chops for it.

Funny how companies shoot themselves in the foot.


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