20 years later, I'm still lukewarm on my SP101

by BC, Iowa, Saturday, April 20, 2013, 15:32 (4180 days ago) @ MR

and it's not for lack of use.

Granted, for hard, outdoor use, it may be perfect for certain people. I've taken mine up mountains, down canyons, through the northwoods, etc etc. And it has carried nicely, absorbed negligence and abuse, and remained functional. Scratches and bumps are not an issue… a few passes with a stone or flat rod and it's back to business.

My issue is that it's just too vanilla. The sights are rudimentary, I replaced (but still don't care for) the grips, and the action/trigger still feel hitch-y to me, thousands of rounds and countless dry-firing sessions later.

I think of it the same way that many of us think of our glocks… efficient tools, but without any of the soul-stirring features that draws us to specific handguns, again and again.

And yes, I'd trade it to the right dapper gentleman from TX ;-)

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