It's definitely craziness. ...

by rob @, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 18:37 (4182 days ago) @ cas

Some of it I can understand. Obama and the Dems created a LOT of first time gun buyers and they need ammo as well. A lot of it was people simply trying to capitalize on the situation buying hundreds of P-Mags at a time, clearing the shelves at Walmart and Academy (until they put up limits...thankfully) and then taking it to ebay, gunbroker and gun shows to scalp the desperate...most of whom were made that way by realizing there was no ammo and panicked...and there was no ammo because people were willing pawns in the scalper's game. I have several thousand rounds of .22LR. I could easily have put it on gun broker for $75 a brick and people would have been buying from me at half the cost some people were paying. I just can't do that to someone. Fortunately I was prepared to wait out the frenzy. I just hope now that the gun bills are dead the ammo companies can catch up:)

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