SIG magazines were always relatively 'expensive' around here

by rob @, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 15:39 (4182 days ago) @ FOG

Sig lists the P226 mags at about $40 from their web sight. They don't even list a P220 mag right now as nobody, not even Sig has them in stock (save mabey some LGS). Mec-Gar makes the factory mags and Mec-Gar 18 round anti-friction coated mags are very available for anywhere fron 26.99-30:something. I would gladly pay $40-$45 for a quality factory pistol mag. They are selling them on eBay for over triple that. Having just bought two ACT mags, two boxes of 9mm carry ammo and 200 rounds of WWB 9mm I can't afford to buy anything but groceries and pay bills for a couple weeks:) I just refuse to participate in the panic buying (for mags, guns, ammo, etc.) at exorbitant prices. It drives the demand for more of same and makes it harder for the average guy or new gun owner to get what they need.

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