After picking up a Canon Rebel on clearance

by Paul ⌂, Monday, April 15, 2013, 17:49 (4185 days ago) @ John Meeker

a few years back, it'd be hard to go back to the compact cameras. If I want compact I've got the cell phone (purchased as much for its camera as its calling ability).

I've got to take some picks of the PPPPPP for the permit renewal process this week and know from past experience that it'll be fairly straight forward and simple to do.

Things to look for:
Megapixels - but don't go crazy. 8 megapixels from a decent camera will let you print off a huge photo if you've got the capability.

SD card - almost everyone uses SD cards now, even the DSLR's. There's some holdouts and older cameras (like our Canon Rebel) may use other, more expensive, more difficult to locate formats. IF your computer has a card reader (many do - even desktops) then all you have to do is pop out the card, poke it in the computer, copy over. This saves batteries on the camera and allows you to not mess with cables and such.

Lithium Ion battery - a good battery is MUCH better than a pile of rechargeable AA's which will almost certainly not be charged right when you want to use the camera.

Here's a place to check out reviews on photographic options:

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