Camera & program for Ebay/Gunbroker, etc?

by John Meeker @, West End of Lake Erie, Monday, April 15, 2013, 11:41 (4185 days ago)

Have decade old Olympus pocket camera, with a program devised by cyber-tech fiend sadists. Couple thousand photos in there that I can apparently..well..niver mind. Old & personal problem that I'll pursue when I'm senile, and won't notice the PIA.

What is wanted, is a camera good enough for detail on knives, jewelry, art, guns -- to include stampings and other fine points. Part two is a photoposting program suitable for a LD mind like mine, to put 'em up on the E of Bay, assorted gunny sites etc.

We just veto'd getting a new work van, and are colluding on a common goal: liquidate the hoard and find a smaller livable motorhome, for to go see our friends and relatives while our health is gud'enuff to do so. A gun-safe must be included in it, of course!!

Realized that I can't wrestle a large dresser down a flight of stairs, out the door, and into my van without putting the furture of presently functioning body parts in danger. Customers can come to me, of course, but this morning when I woke and started moving, I was reminded of the physical price for French polishing out a tabletop.

Anywayz...late to the show, but have stuff to go.

Thank Ye Mos' Kindly, for this and other past advice garnered from the Assembled.

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