A few more M25-2 notes from the old days

by FOG, Monday, April 15, 2013, 11:24 (4185 days ago) @ Glen

I tried .45 Auto Rim brass in my M25-2, but the inside 'edge' of the extractor star dinged every rim with each firing, and the each dingus was big enough to preclude entry of the case into a case holder for reloading. After two or three firings, it was typically Game Over, which kind of defeated the entire purpose, as I really had my heart set on using Auto Rim brass in that gun.

In any case (no pun intended − LOL), I mainly used regular .45 ACP brass in my M25-2, and usually without clips. I had a tool for 'de-mooning' the clips, but I also found loading them too difficult to bother with, especially just for plinking.

The other thing about the clips in more 'practical' scenarios (e.g., ground squirrel hunting) is that you cannot very easily partially recharge the cylinder: It's literally all or nothing. That might be OK, perhaps even preferable, in most 'combat' scenarios, but I had only other uses for the M25-2.


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