16 Senators show by their actions

by jgt, Friday, April 12, 2013, 07:34 (4188 days ago) @ mcassill

The problem with the "background check" thing is they will put provisions in them that gets your name on the list if you threatened to get even with a bully that beat you up when you are six years old on a playground at school. There are a lot of other things like if someone in public off doesn't like you and puts your name on the list. The backgound check currently in place is all they need and they are already abusing it. I say we stand together for no new gun legislation and let them enforce the laws they already have. How dare them abuse my rights because they are too dumb to figure how to do what they want within the constitution or too lame to use the laws they have now. In 1967 They were saying they need legislation "to prevent this from ever happening again", and here they are again for the umpatheenth time. This is all socialist in the democratic party i.e. Social Democrates, remember how they fixed Germany in the past?

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