I was sorry to see one of MY Senators on that list...

by Boge Quinn, Thursday, April 11, 2013, 16:01 (4189 days ago) @ mcassill

...I emailed him yesterday, and got a form reply that he deeply cares what I think, yada yada. I just emailed him the following"

Dear Senator Corker,

It has been reported that you voted today with Senators Feinstein, Schumer, Reid, and others to allow a vote to advance Obama's Gun Control bill. I am very disappointed in this; no, I am ANGRY about it, and I will not forget it. I was at least happy to see that Senator Alexander voted to support our Constitutional rights, as urged by the voters in Tennessee. If the report I saw was in error, I apologize; if not, then YOU should apologize to freedom-loving Americans within and without the borders of our state. I will be closely watching how you vote on final passage.

Boge Quinn

He won't care about that either, but by God I'll MAKE his ass care when he comes up for re-election! I got me a pretty good pulpit.

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