What I do with bp fired case

by cr, Saturday, April 06, 2013, 23:11 (4194 days ago) @ John K.

First...not concerned with deep cleaning primer pockets. They just seem always to not cause any grief. I quit cleaning primer pockets years ago.

Next...not concerned about looks. Patina actually appealing to me.

I carry an empty bucket of some sort, folger coffee plastic can works well. I dump empties into bucket as I shoot...bucket has water with dawn dishwashing soap. Buckets gets agitatad and rinsed with clear water.
As you pointed out, drylng is a hassle. If lots of brass, use Paco method of pillowcase in washing machine.

After thourougly dry, vibrate clean with cheap corn cob PetSmart rabbit bedding.

I have often wondered about the steel pins. Where do get them? Would you continue using.

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