Stainles steel pins

by Fivegunner @, LOWELL Mi., Saturday, April 06, 2013, 09:22 (4194 days ago) @ John K.

Thank you John for your Post about Stainless steel pins as a Case cleaner, I have heard about this before on the (cast boolets) web site, John Taffin please excuse the way I spelled (Bullets). anyway I want to give this a try , my Question is how much of the Pin`s do I need? I like to clean a least a thousand .45Colt, .45Acp, .223. at a time. I have seen those small cement mixers made with plastic drums, look`s like they would hold a thousand or so case`s. form what I read, it look`s like 2 hours will clean the cases very well. I would sure be thankful for any advice on this subject. :-D :-D :-D

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