whew. FYI,

by passing by, Friday, April 05, 2013, 20:18 (4195 days ago) @ Sarge

My very first fling with a plastic pistol was two years ago, a Sigma 9mm. Partially due to info you had posted. It was an OK gun, and further looking into gun showed it probably wasn't better due to degree it was a cruder version of a Glock.

I have medium sized hands and reach was too far, trigger too heavy, frame a poor fit to hand and upper inboard frame extension bruised/chafed thumb basejoint, and internals just cruder and perhaps more prone to failures, from firing pin spring cups to extractors, but never had a problem and brand new at $275 was impossible to resist for a trial balloon.

It gave me the courage to plunk down full retail minus military discount for very first top drawer plastic gun. Now I feel like a dope for not getting one sooner, but it DID give them time to work bugs out of Glock Perfection on the model.

Bought it after beloved 1911 blew a hole in bedroom mattress when worn hammer notch and weak sear return spring conspired to fire gun when chambering a round and hammer fell and sear didn't catch half-cock, me thinking that NEVER would have happened with a Sigma or Glock.

So I held my nose and bought a Glock, and found it to be about the best self-loader I have ever owned. In the end, a root cause analysis would say it is your fault. Thank you.

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