Thoughts and updates on the PT145...

by passing by, Thursday, April 04, 2013, 22:00 (4196 days ago) @ Sarge

Not to hijack your thread, but my G36 is short, light, short recoil, short stroke, and I have been unable to induce a jam or malfunction even when holding the gun with three fingers, wrist bent at 90degs, and emptying magazine as fast as I can without shooting myself in the foot, and does this with all four mags I have for gun.

Had two failures to extract with the gun, one at round 3, one at round 497. Came across internet post where a smith claimed new extractors with tactile loaded chamber indicators were the culprit, and installed an old style without the extra mass and less plunger pressure of new style, and it works perfectly to date for another 600 rounds. The pre-LCI extractor also seems to have a sharoper, longer, and better hook, FWIW.

Now back to Taurus. just thought i would mention one that does work as advertised. I didn't expect it to be such a well behaved gun, but now trust it more than any self-loader I have ever owned.

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