OH, that's just silly sic-fi and fiction Alarmist stuff...

by John Meeker, Friday, March 29, 2013, 09:08 (4202 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

NOT 'effin' NOT: at all!!!

Brave New World; Rand; Soylent Green or what have you; and on and on and on. Corrupt Power will never have enough until it has destroyed all that it greedily grasped -- then it will be the New Dark Ages -- but with MUCH better surveillance of Serfs. Take a look at China's toxic waste Industrial Districts. There's some fine habitat for the current Wanna Rule Everythings to go visit and proclaim Paradise. The collusion between main media, entertainment, news, corrupt legislators, and the current Commie in the White House is untenable, so far as philosophy and leadership to avoid History;s quicksands.. That sucking sound> It's the deliberate destruction of all that is good of Western Culture. Now, the deponent saith not further. I gotta git back to the bench and continue to earn a living. ;~`)

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