Welcome to the Police State

by FOG, Thursday, March 28, 2013, 22:29 (4203 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

From the Anthens Banner-Herald:

In the FPSRussia videos, Myers, who fakes a Russian accent during his demonstrations, is shown shooting guns and blowing up items.

Myers “was known to use explosives and I don’t know if it was done with malicious intent,” [ATF Spokesman] Coes said, adding that Myers was blowing up cars, refrigerators and other items for entertainment purposes.

A person is required to obtain a federal explosives manufacturing license if they intend to engage in the business of manufacturing explosives for sale, distribution or for their own business, Coes said.

The ATF believed that Myers was violating this law.

“The claim is that he was using explosives and getting paid for it via YouTube,” Coes said.

I just love it how the ATF gets so heavy-handed every time there's a Democrat in the White House, but this is WAY over the top.

What's next, Waco?



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