We Should Not Allow This To Be Just Swept Under The Rug...

by ~JM~, Thursday, March 28, 2013, 18:46 (4203 days ago) @ uncowboy

An owner of a Dog or any other animal is required to keep that animal under control at all times. Failure to do so is not only against the law it is unacceptable.

Dogs are not allowed on 90+% of the beaches in southern California whether they are on a leash or not. There are only a few beaches that are set aside for dogs & they are usually sections of the beach that protected species do not frequent.

I was once on the losing side of a dog at large lawsuit & am familiar with the consequences. My dog didn't even kill another creature, but I spent over 2 years of my life in court, plus many thousands of $$$'s.

Maybe I'm a bit biased, but I feel that they should be held accountable for their lack of control over their dog.

Every dog must be trained to respond to at least 4 commands. "Come", "Sit", "Stay" & "Heel". The breeds that are bred to have powerful jaws also need to be trained one more command & that is "Release".


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