Mark Kelly & Gabby Giffords Vicious Dog Kills Seal Pup

by ~JM~, Wednesday, March 27, 2013, 20:00 (4204 days ago)

As many of you may know, a vicious dog owned by Mark Kelly & Gabby Giffords was allowed to run at large while on a beach in southern California. Unfortunately this animal attacked and killed a young Seal pup. This Seal was a protected speci...e & so far the Giffords have escaped any citations for their lack of common sense in protecting the public & wildlife from a vicious out of control animal.

Video of attack:

Below you will find several contact numbers for the Laguna Beach P.D., Animal Control & the Fisheries Dept. Please contact the numbers to insure that the Giffords are held accountable for their actions the same as you & I would have been.


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