That also reminds me of another story (OT)

by FOG, Sunday, March 17, 2013, 12:38 (4214 days ago) @ FOG

I really did work in ice cream parlors during a few summers of my teenage years.

At one of them, we had a few regular customers of senior age, and one of those was a nice old man who came in at least weekly during the season.

Fast-forward a few years, and I bump into him again, only this time it's at Taco Bell (which around 1980 really wasn't too bad).

He doesn't recognize me, he just steps up with a beat-up old bathroom scale and asks me if I want to buy it.

For $2.00.

I pretend I don't recognize him, and I turn him down, then I turn and walk away.

I get in my car, and I am crushed with guilt, and I start bawling like a baby.

I get out of my car, catch up to the man, and still crying, babble an offer to buy the scale.

I buy it, then the old man and I have a nice conversation briefly reliving the 'old days' at the ice cream shop.

We part company, my days so much easier than his, my future so much brighter.

Life gives you all kinds of opportunities, if you pay attention to them.


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