Difficult news for us

by brionic @, Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 19:49 (4218 days ago)

Our tests this week reveal that Dashiell's time with us is shortening. The few remaining treatment options may reduce his discomfort, but none of our physicians believes that cure is possible any longer.

Timing is hard to project, but can be likely measured in weeks or months.

Pam and I are coming to grips with this as much as we can. It is not a surprise, but is a shock nonetheless.

I am devastated, to be blunt. I am also aware that how we/I respond will set a course for our family and specifically for my sons. Finding balance has been a challenge.

I appreciate your words and kindness over this past year in a way that I cannot convey.

Meaningful thoughts are fragmented right now, but be assured that we have no regrets, and although we will grieve, the joy of sharing his life and love will outweigh our sadness, eventually.

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