Collecting vs. Using

by Kentucky, Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 15:01 (4218 days ago) @ FOG

I don't think they are necessarily mutually exclusive, either. Of course, I don't consider myself a "collector", more of an "accumulator". Some may call this a semantic distinction, and I'll not argue that. My point is, I have more than a couple of Olde Rugers that have somehow taken up residence in my safe, and I never even considered the "investment" aspect of their purchase. I just like 'em, and they get shot and fondled on a semi-regular basis. These days, probably more fondling than shooting simply because ammo is a little dear. Yes, I reload, but components are a little dear, as well. At any rate, I suffer no "safe queens". I exercise appropriate care in the handling and feeding requirements and perform whatever maintenance is required, but no white-glove pampering.

I'd hate to part with most of them, as each is a little different in one way or another, and I appreciate the distinctions. My wife sees them as inventory for a future sale, and that's OK with me. We are, as mentioned, merely curators of a very short-lived museum.

I'll not begrudge those who actually strive for the very best and keep them pristine and unfired. These examples will serve the future curators with excellent examples for show-and-tell as well as a personal satisfaction in the owning. They might even make the temporary "owners" a few bucks. It's all good.

I do hate to see the old stuff get chopped, but to each his own. It was not my money, after all, and each one chopped makes mine just that much more scarce.

For me, it's just a great hobby.


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