Collecting vs. Using

by passing by, Wednesday, March 13, 2013, 11:52 (4218 days ago) @ FOG

Nothing wrong with collecting and not using if the collection is of premium goods unused and collected as an investment which would take a hit in value if used.

To collect and squirrel away out of unadultered pure greed is another matter entirely.

To collect and use items is no problem whatsoever if not premium unused old stuff so long as the items don't possess the owner and not the other way around.

Always keep in mind we are stewards, though, and the attitude of "it is MINE and I can screw it up anyway I want to, and nobody can tell me different!", especially with nice old stuff made the way no longer made, is closely allied to point 2 above as to be indistinguishable in wrongness.

Look at the test pics below your picture posting query and you will see two users and one investment, the investment a duplicate of another.

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