Oh Boy..twern't you folks a'tall....was a brouhaha ...

by John Meeker, Tuesday, March 12, 2013, 15:41 (4219 days ago) @ John Meeker

elsewhere. As follows....

Thanks for inquiring. I came across the link on FB under Blaine's name. Went to read it and there was a rather nasty bunch of cyber-crap being poured onto Blaine.
However, I just checked, and I can't find Blaines posts there anymore, nor mine.

There was quite a passel of NewAge/leftie/etc hatred there, regarding him and his views, extending apparently to his homepage. Since it was obvious that the critics had the depth and substance of evaporating water, I whipped up my little 5-para Baffler, not realizing that I succeeded far too well in my mission!! The content apparently flat out mystified them, as the only reply I read said: "What did I just read?" But they musta figured it was dangerous stuff -- so it and the only reply I had are gone, now.

I posted on Sixshooter yesterday, just see if the Posse wanted want to jump in for the fun. An occasional cyber-knucklebuster lets off some political steam occasionally, tho' unless it's really eqregious, I don't bother. Those people were egregious. I don't do much on any BBS anymore, other than the Sixshooter bunch and some FB, as time is a bit more short these-a-days, making a living and all.

I hope that covers it, tho' the parting 'adios' to the piece, was something more like "Adios, MF'rs', regarding the lowlifes on whatever corner of cyberHell that place was. Basically, I lifted the corner of my keyboard and p-eed on their parade. As to the contents, they were constructed to alarm, baffle and dismay the lot of them, and apparently succeeded. However, it was in no wise remotely having much to with here, other than to amuse.

BTW, and privately, If anyone is alarmed at my theology, they may take comfort that I have an unshakable faith in whatever name people want to put on the Existence of God, and the Goodness thereof. And Jim Taylor has reawakened my rather sleepy beliefs, with his right to the chase ideas. I imagine him and that guy from Galilee are gonna have some real lively conversations about their respective ministry, someday Jim's right on the beam, and due North when it comes to understanding and living the essential Gospel. That's just me,

So, 'no worries, myte. tisn't about you folks.


PS< and thanks to those who privately voiced their concerns. Now I know that someday in the future I'll most likely be missed...but trust me...I'll still be in very good company, then.

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