Don't pick on a good guy

by John Meeker, Monday, March 11, 2013, 14:53 (4220 days ago)

Don't pick on a good guy.....

Interesting and revealing key-strokin' there, folks. My read of them indicates considerably more wished-for ill will to mankind, than one would guess, from such Enlightened people. In fact, I was wondering if 'the Jews' wouldn't pretty well substitute for 'the Christians', when it comes to comparing similar historical rants from anti-Semites. Just take one of good ol' Adolf's diatribes. Substitute Christians - or gun owners - or pet owners - or property owners - and the intellectual model is the same.

Intolerance is a many edged and dangerous weapon, especially so when wielded by The One True Faith -- political, religious, ethnic, or just flat-out demagogic. One of the most radical men I know is also my example of a Hero. Who he is and what he does is of the highest order of spirituality, at a seaside village in Mozambique. He rings 24 carat, true -- and you'll have to take my word for it. He gave up his material life: his place, to follow a calling in a way that few enlightened people have the courage to do. How do I know he's on the money?

I died in a hospital bed and came back. Happens, y'know in modern hospitals. While I was "gone', there was nothing like white lights, angels and relatives, etc. You may believe as you wish, and are free to choose your own life here (which is still a side benefit of living in this much-maligned political heritage of ours) However, I have no wish to spoil your strong beliefs with my my own experience. You're just going to have wait for your own turn. But, let's just say that the linkage to cosmic advanced physics is considerably more simple than we believe....and was quite a surprise.

As to most of comments posted above -- you are throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Your choice, and welcome to it. While you are waiting for Utopia, tho, you might want to consider of what a totally controlled 'safe' State may comprise. I can recommend Solzhenitsyn 'Gulags' and Margret Bourke White's photos of another "great idea's " Kampf. By all means, choose to be a Lemming or migrating Wildebeest or what suits you. But don't be surprised to find that 'goodness' cannot be mass produced,, or even 'educated'. Nor can a wish for 'peaceful' and non-aggressive' be mandated.

Our genes 'will out'. We humans all still contain the beast, of which the early 20th century poet quoth , 'slouched towards Bethlehem' . It was well and truly manifest in that span, and not doing badly in the new one. It will not be hemmed in by well-meaning utopian ideas and laws. And sadly, appeasement is it's appetizer. Don't be a victim? Great motto....but chant it all you will....Cain and Sons will laugh, while they walk on your metaphorical corpses, or actual dead body..............I won't be coming this way again, but Blaine G is good man, and your criticism of him tells far more about you -- on this turn of the Cosmic wheel, than you believe. Adios.

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