I was gifted a WAVE by a departing company commander

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Wednesday, March 06, 2013, 19:56 (4225 days ago) @ stonewalrus

and I quite liked it, much better than the issued Gerber. I now carry a K2 Juice, also a Leatherman product.

About Mr. Leatherman's political leanings, I did write him at the time. He was polite and forthcoming about his opinions. Sad to say I think he is/was one of those fooled by the other side, not necessarily an adherent of a radical socialist agenda. I was disappointed in him.

I use/used my multi-tools every day. I got one of the very first Leatherman tools when they came out and have used several. I got one for my son-in-law for Christmas 3-4 years ago and he is still carrying his everyday. They are pretty good. The only problem I ever had is that I broke the can opener of the original one on a Tray-pack while trying to feed my squad.



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