I'm still carrying the Super Tool that I've had for years

by Kentucky, Wednesday, March 06, 2013, 09:41 (4226 days ago) @ stonewalrus

. . . while the nice Wave my son gave me languishes unused because, well, I don't know why, other than I simply haven't made the change. I admit the Wave is nice and has great features, but . . .

In addition, for all-round use, I carry a tiny Mini-Buck in my "watch pocket". I went with this because it is ALWAYS with me and is so inexpensive that a loss would not be earth-shattering. Of course, we never lose the inexpensive stuff, just the pricey ones. The Mini is stainless and plastic, has been thru the laundry several times without ill effects, and meets almost all blade needs nicely and without fanfare . . . totally low-profile.

Haven't checked out anything newer.

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