Now is the time..

by lee jurras @, Hagerman,NM, Thursday, February 28, 2013, 07:35 (4232 days ago) @ Charles

Charles, Thanks for the vote of confidence but, I'm not sure how much is left in my head. The past few years I have been assisting Bert Mason in his monumental work on Harry Sanford and his Firearms. Namely my efforts with the AUTO MAG. Many things I had forgotten or at least put out of mind. Then certain names come up or, certain instances somebody will mention, and it refreshing my mind and I can then elaborate
I don't think it amatter of forgeting as just putting certain things out of mind.
EXAMPLE: Built the first CUP pressure bbls for the 357,41, and 44 AM cartridges while most of the Major loading manuals were developing load data from working with actual guns and trying to deturmine info from effects of fired cases etc.
Much load data available today is virtually worthless, or at least unfounded. FWIW dept.:-|

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