
by Wildcat, Flint Hills of Kansas, Tuesday, February 26, 2013, 17:12 (4233 days ago) @ Dave B

As a kid I got the first soft cover compilation of stories he'd written for Shooting Times. As I recall, I bought it while the family was on vacation to the Grand Canyon. Between my brother, Dad and I we literally wore it out during the trip. I kept it and reread it numerous times, as well as all the Shooting Times articles I'd kept from '77 till well after his demise. In '03 I'd moved my family out to the country and the pipes froze in our old house which had not yet sold. All those magazines, and the soft cover book were destroyed. I've since shopped around a lot on Amazon and managed to get a couple of his books again. I paid more than I liked, but given the years of enjoyment and learning, I look on it as an investment in my (and hopefully my kids')education.

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