If a person hasn't been buying all the ammo he could since

by ~JM~, Friday, February 22, 2013, 19:02 (4237 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I just returned from one of the local gun shops about an hour ago. I couldn't buy anything there. It wasn't because my pockets were empty... I just couldn't stand the "NEW" atmosphere & the pricing. Usually this store has plenty of inventory & fairly reasonable prices, but there were plenty of bare shelving this time. Looks like CCW type pocket auto's & any kind of "Black Rifle" are flying out the door. There wasn't even any 22LR ammo available for sale!!!

I'm fortunate in that I have a certain inventory that I maintain, I just thought that maybe I should add some more for insurance. Guess I will just ride this one out for a while. Thanks everyone.


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